Tuesday: Snow White and the Seven
Read: “Introduction: Snow White” (84-92)
Giambattista Basile, “The Young Slave” (92-95)
Brothers Grimm, “Snow White” (95-102)
Thursday: Snow White and the Seven
Read: Ann Sexton, “Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs” (102-106)
Neil Gaiman, “Snow, Glass, Apples” (106-116)
Jack Zipes: “Breaking the Disney Spell,” in: The Classic Fairy Tale, pp 414-435
Film: Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Blog Entry 5: Watch the music clip “Sonne” by Rammstein on YouTube and compare the
story and persons, motives, symbols in the music video with those in the “Snow
White” fairy tales we have read in class. What is similar? What is different?
Which one do you like better and why? Blog is due by Sunday, March 3.